You’ve located your new home and closed the deal. Now, you’ve got a move looming. You don’t want to leave it all for the last minute — but where do you actually started if you want to have a smooth move that sets you up for success in your new home rather than saddles you with stress?
That’s where you need a checklist.
1: Clean your current home
Normally, you’d clean your home after moving everything out. You’re still going to do that, but the first thing you should do before even packing is a good, deep, room-by-room clean. This will ease that final clean. Tough tasks like cleaning built up oven residue will be much easier — and you’ll avoid the disruptive hassle of suddenly finding you have to repair a window just when you thought you were done.
2: Get rid of stuff you don’t need
As you’re cleaning, take note of what you actually have. Are there boxes you haven’t even opened since the last move? Stuff you’ve had stored away for years? Furniture that’s really getting past its prime?
It sounds obvious, but your move will be easier the less you have to move. You don’t have to trash your sentimental keepsakes by any means, but a move is a great opportunity to take stock of what you actually want in your home. Do this early to give yourself enough time to sell things — and keep in mind, there are always plenty of opportunities for donations!
Moving in Vancouver? Check this page out!
3: Take an Inventory of What’s Left
The last part of this planning stage is knowing what you’ve got. You don’t need to drill down to every pen and every item of cutlery in your kitchen drawers, but the point of your list is to help you figure out what supplies you need and what vehicles you’ll move everything in.
As a rule of thumb, big things — tables, chairs, other furniture and so on — count as their own item. Group other things by what they are, where they are, and how much space you think they’ll take. If you have a kitchen drawer full of cutlery, then call it a drawer, and think about what else you might put in the same box.
Doing this may seem tedious, but it’s the difference between buying a bunch of boxes, realizing you don’t have enough, and having to make a second or third trip. And it’s the difference between putting everything neatly into one truck versus being forced to make multiple trips on the day.
4: What Requires Special Attention?
Finally, do you have things that you can’t just put in a truck? Firearms? Aquariums? Especially fragile large objects? A piano? All of these may require specific moving expertise to successfully move, and the last thing you want on moving day is to be looking at a piano in an otherwise empty room, scratching your head.
5: Are You Moving with a Company or Alone?
With a good idea of what you’re moving, it’s time to decide whether you’re doing it alone or with the help of a moving company. You can get a lot done with friends and family helping — but even with the most well-meaning help, you are risking damage when your moving assistance simply aren’t experts.
A moving company on the other hand knows the best way to pack a truck. You can be assured that all your belongings will be stowed securely for the ride. If Uncle Reggie’s truck hits a bump and your bed smashes a mirror, there’s nothing you can do about it. A moving company would never take that risk — but even if something does go wrong, you do have insurance to step in.
(And hey, we’re a pretty highly rated moving company ourselves! If you’re looking for a Vancouver move, why not give us a try?)
6: Get Your Moving Supplies
If you are going with a moving company, they may be able to help you out here. Otherwise, go out and get your boxes. Make sure they’re nice and sturdy. Get your packing tape. And don’t stop there. Consider plastic wrap to help protect your furniture from dents and scratches. If you’ve got to move things through some tight spaces, you may also want wall and floor protectors. Again, an advantage of a moving company here is they’ll provide that sort of thing on the day, and you won’t have to deal with what to do with it all afterward.
7: Get Packing!
The absolute last thing you want is to still be packing on moving day. The key to a smooth move is being able to quickly load the truck, get to the new place, and unload it.
Start a couple of weeks out, packing your things room-by-room as you’re able to. A guest room is easily packed in advance, while with a kitchen, you’ll likely need at least some things right up to the night before. Try to leave plenty of space to get the big things out, as you may need to load them in a truck first.
As you’re boxing things up, make sure to label everything by room. Write on or stick a label to your boxes in a consistent place so you always know where to look. As you’re unloading, you can take the boxes directly to the rooms they’re supposed to be in, saving yourself a ton of time walking backward and forwards as you’re setting your new home up.
8: Get a Good Night’s Sleep
There’s nothing that’ll sour a move quite like just not being physically ready for it. Get to bed early so you’re well-rested for the big day.
Follow these steps, and by the time you’ve got that last box in, you might even have the energy left to start unpacking!
Want a great Vancouver move, just like this? Reach out to Robust Move. We help people achieve stress-free moves by showing up with everything you need and working hard until you’re all done.